In an effort to promote, encourage, and recognize art and artists in our community, Clarkston Cultural Arts Council has partnered with the Chamber of Commerce’s Young Professionals Network to bring the Howling Wolves to Clarkston and Independence Township. We’ve seen communities all over the world sporting cows, sheep, fish, and any other creature one can imagine artfully embellished by local artists, and sponsored by local businesses. These larger than life works of art are then displayed in walkable areas of their respective communities for the public to enjoy. It’s no secret that wolves are the mascots of Clarkston Community Schools’ sports teams, so it was a natural choice to employ the shape of a wolf to represent us!
We decided that creating ten was a good start, and reached out to The Gateway of Clarkston, with their laser cutting/engraving machine, and created the silhouette that would be used. Local artists were excited to create on these canine shaped wooden “canvases.” Some worked from their studios, while others painted live during the always popular Taste of Clarkston. From there, brackets were added, clear coat was applied, and sponsors sought to benefit the artists as well as Clarkston Cultural Arts. Information as to the locations where these wonderful works of art will be installed will be available shortly on ClarkstonArts.org, as well as on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feeds.

Part of creating a culture of the arts is changing the way people see and experience the every day. There must be an awareness of the arts, it must be seen if there is to be growth and momentum in the development and involvement in a communities art culture. We are very thankful to Union Joints, who have so graciously allowed us to use their space for our Windows Project. Clarkston Cultural Arts would like to continue to utilize additional exhibition and display space throughout our community. There is value that comes with bringing art to an unused or vacant space. We would love to have our member’s art at area businesses, restaurants and (of course) private residences as well as using vacant spaces for pop up exhibitions, lectures, classes and events. Creating exhibitions helps to create connections within our community as well as strengthen the support structure for our area artists.
If you would like your art to be considered for display, email [email protected].
Photo Galleries
All photos courtesy of Anna Lysa Photography, Ilze Lucero Photo ,The Clarkston News and other Clarkston Cultural Arts Council members.